Sunday, September 21, 2008

BsAs: The city that really never sleeps

I arrived on Friday morning, and, unfortunately, I have no pictures yet. But I've just been getting used to my new surroundings and easing myself into big city Latin American life as non-jarringly as possible. After two days and two nights, I am definitely thinking fondly of both my friends in Oregon and my life there. Buenos Aires is a huge city, and the people here don't seem to go to sleep usually until 6 or 7 or even 8 a.m. And as far as I can tell so far, morning before noon is pretty much nonexistent, and only for sleeping. Both nights so far (albeit they were Friday and Saturday) everyone around and all the people in the city streets have been out literally all night long. It's a little bit overwhelming and exhausting so far, but that's probably because I've just dived in head first, and I usually feel like I need to do everything I can right away rather than taking my time. At least I can recognize this, and it is a relief to realize that I have time, and that I can experience the city my own way, do what's good for me, as opposed to jumping in over my head. It's ok to go out and experience that excitement for a while though, I think, if only to remind exactly of that--that I have my own preferences and style of living, and even though I am open and ready for new ones and changes while I am here in Latin America, and am questioning all of my old habits, it is also a great opportunity to identify those "old habits" which, like the sweater I just had to bring with me around the world because I really do want to wear it all the time, I want to keep around in my life.

I went to the gym around the corner yesterday and felt a rush of relief and joy. Why? I felt so good, I think, because I not only felt comfortable in that environment, but I was also doing something that really matters to me and makes me feel like "myself"--the self I really like me to me and have confidence in. And I realized that doing things that make me feel good is more than just doing things that sound fun--it is doing things that make me feel good about myself because they are part of the person who I want to be. Going and working out at the gym helps me to realize that I want to be a strong, healthy and capable woman, fit to fulfill my dreams of--another part of my life that I have been thinking a lot about lately--being in the mountains and traversing the wilderness. Thinking of the mountains gives me a feeling I almost can't put adequately into words, spontaneously. I think that is how I know that it is what I need to be doing as a permanent element in my life. So lately, while I am going to fully enjoy the urban excitement, dancing, dressing up and going out in BsAs (and I want to do some of those things no matter where I end up eventually)it matters most to be to be near the mountains in a place where I can feel healthy and spread out my wings. Knowing this is like having one of the keys to unlock a door to myself and my own happiness, I believe, and perhaps that is why the idea gives me such a feeling of exuberance and joy. My move to Bariloche in 6 weeks, I think, will be much-welcomed. And, who knows?, I'm starting to think I will probably want to stay somewhere in the mountains or in Mendoza, a medium-sized city at the base of the Andes, for a little while longer.

Spanish update: I am learning more and more every day! I do feel like I've taken about 5 steps back in trying to understand the very particular accent here in Argentina, but it is a challenge I am up for. I will begin my teaching certificate program, so I will have a a set schedule and I think I'll be able to settle in some more.

I have been busy figuring out my surrounds lately, and haven't had time to take pictures. As I'm feeling more comfortable, though, I'll be transmitting them.

Today is the first day of spring on a new continent and the festivities are beginning! I am feeling ready to get out and learn about this place and myself in it!